Mid-Year Check-In: Are You Keeping Up With Your Small Business Goals?

Hello and happy mid-year to all of our fantastic small business owners out there! Can you believe we’re already halfway through the year? If it feels like it’s been a whirlwind so far, you’re not alone. This milestone is the perfect time to pause, reflect, and assess how your business is tracking against the personal and financial goals you set at the start of the year.

So, let’s take a deep breath and dive into our mid-year check-in!

Reflection: The Power of Looking Back

Remember when the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Eve? You were probably filled with excitement and anticipation for the new year and had a list of personal and business resolutions. It’s easy to set those goals when the year is fresh and full of promise. But now that we’re halfway through, how are those resolutions faring?

Don’t worry if you’re a little off course. The beauty of a mid-year review is that it gives you the opportunity to realign and adjust. No one is expecting you to be perfect! Running a small business is a dynamic journey full of twists, turns, and unexpected detours. And that’s where we come in as your trusted financial advisor.

Checking in on Financial Goals

Keeping a pulse on your financial goals is crucial for the overall health and success of your business. Whether it was improving cash flow, increasing profitability, reducing expenses, or preparing for expansion, how have you fared so far?

Have you managed to stay on top of your budget? Or perhaps you’ve found some surprising expenses that weren’t in the initial plan? Maybe you’re wondering if there’s a more efficient way to manage your cash flow?

Whatever the case, remember: you’re not alone in this journey. As your trusted advisor, we’re here to help analyze your financial data, identify trends, and provide insights to help you navigate the second half of the year.

We are your TRUSTED ADVISOR!!!

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Don’t Forget Your Personal Goals

Running a small business is no small task, and it’s easy to get so wrapped up in it that you forget to check in on your personal goals. Did you promise to improve your work-life balance? Or perhaps you aimed to learn a new skill or hobby?

These goals are just as important as your financial ones, because a happy, balanced business owner leads to a thriving business. And if you’ve been struggling to separate your business and personal finances, remember, we’re here to help guide you.

The Power of Regular Check-Ins: Turning Data into Decisions

In the world of business, especially for small enterprises, staying attuned to your goals can make a significant difference. But don’t just take our word for it – let’s look at what the data says.

  • Data Insight 1: Increased Success Rate with Regular Goal Check-ins

According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, businesses that checked in on their goals every month were 20% more likely to achieve them than those who reviewed them less frequently. Regular check-ins provide an opportunity to identify potential issues early and make timely corrections, thereby increasing your chances of success.

  • Data Insight 2: Better Financial Performance with Regular Financial Reviews

Data from a survey by the National Small Business Association indicates that small business owners who conduct regular financial reviews tend to have better financial performance. Approximately 68% of small businesses that carried out monthly financial reviews reported high profitability, compared to just 45% of those who did it quarterly.

  • Data Insight 3: Higher Business Survival Rates with Regular Financial Planning

The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that businesses that engage in regular financial planning have a higher survival rate. Nearly 50% of businesses fail within the first five years, but those who conduct regular financial check-ins and adapt their strategies accordingly have a survival rate that is 30% higher.

These statistics highlight the importance of regular check-ins on your business and financial goals. However, we understand that as a small business owner, you’re wearing multiple hats and might not have the time or expertise to delve deep into your financial data.

That’s where we come in as your trusted advisor. We’ll not only help you keep track of your goals but also provide data-driven insights to guide your decisions. We’re here to ensure your goals are always in sight and your business is on the path to success.

If you’re ready to harness the power of regular goal check-ins, we’re just a call or email away. Let’s ensure your small business is not just surviving, but thriving!

We are your TRUSTED ADVISOR!!!

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Forward Thinking: The Path Ahead

The halfway point of the year isn’t just about reflection; it’s about looking forward and planning for the next six months. Where do you want to be when the clock strikes midnight again, and a new year begins? With strategic financial planning and a dash of ambition, we believe you can get there.

Together We Achieve More!

Running a small business can feel like a solo endeavor, but it doesn’t have to be. With us as your trusted advisor, you have a partner ready to navigate the financial intricacies, freeing you up to focus on the bigger picture – growing your business and achieving your personal goals.

So, let’s toast to the journey ahead, filled with possibilities and opportunities. And remember, no matter the financial storm or business challenge, we’re here to guide you through. Here’s to the next six months and beyond!

Need a hand evaluating your mid-year position and planning for the rest of the year? Don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can make the rest of the year even better than the first!

🎯Halfway through the year, how is your small business is stacking up against your New Year’s resolutions? 📆 🚀Let’s crush those goals together! 💪 #MidYearCheckIn #SmallBusinessGoals #YourTrustedAdvisor 🌟

Your Trusted Advisor… At TSAT, we understand that exceptional small businesses must maintain high standards in service, accuracy, reliability, and efficiency. To achieve these goals, it is essential to establish a thorough set of accounting and finance policies and procedures and consistently train all personnel involved. By letting TSAT focus on you accounting, quality assurance, finances, and provide you with a small business accounting department, you can expand your core competency operations and enhance your profit margins. Ensuring every aspect of small business accounting operates at peak performance requires some effort, and we are here to assist you on this journey!

Here at TSAT, we are not simply bookkeepers. We work with you to provide a 360-degree strategic financial advice, including small business operations and investment guidance. We will help you stay ahead of the curve when it small business or personal investments!

If you are a gig worker or small business owner looking to grow your business, TSAT’s AMAZING Trusted team considers much more than just your taxes!


TSAT’s is your Trusted Advisor and will let you focus on your business’s core competencies! Whether you have a small business or you need help personally, TSAT can give you HOPE! Call us today! 

Phone: (417) 208-2858