Trusted Advising: Workflow Wizards – Our Top Tech Picks for Small Business Owners!

Running a small business is no easy feat. Between managing employees, acquiring customers, and actually getting work done, it can feel like you need to clone yourself just to stay on top of it all!

That’s why having the right tech tools and software in your toolkit can be a total game-changer. At TSAT, we work with small business owners day in and day out. Over the years, we’ve discovered some killer apps and programs that we rely on to keep our own operations running smoothly.

We decided to put together this roundup of our top 10 must-have small business tools to share with fellow entrepreneurs and clients. These are the apps that help us stay organized, boost productivity, and just generally make our work lives a little easier. Hopefully you’ll find a new tool or two to try from our list!

Streamline Your Scheduling

Juggling meetings and calls across time zones can quickly become a scheduling nightmare. That’s why our team relies on Calendly to help automate and streamline the process. With Calendly, clients and team members can easily book time on our calendars based on availability we pre-set. This saves so much tedious back-and-forth emails to find a time.

We also love Calendly’s flexibility to set buffer times, customize meeting types, integrate with other tools, and more. Being able to outsource scheduling has freed up more time to focus on clients.

Get (and Stay!) Organized

When you’re juggling multiple projects and clients, staying on top of tasks and deadlines can quickly turn into a mess. That’s why our team swears by seoGEEK for keeping organized and efficient.

seoGEEK drag-and-drop Kanban-style boards give you a visual overview of what needs to get done. You can create detailed to-do lists, set due dates, attach files, leave comments, and assign tasks to team members.  Use seoGEEK boards to collaborate with clients, map out project plans, and ensure no detail gets overlooked! Another bonus is seoGEEK’s flexibility to view boards in various ways – see all tasks in one master list, group tasks by due date, filter by member, etc. Visual organizers make staying on top of your workload so much easier!

The best part? seoGEEK is only $8.95/mo! 

Secure File Sharing & Storage

Handling financial documents and client data requires the utmost security and confidentiality. Dropbox Business is our go-to solution for securely accessing and sharing client files.

With advanced permission controls, automatic backups, and remote wipe capabilities, we know client data is protected. We love the easy file sharing features that let us seamlessly collaborate with clients on documents too.

The robust search makes finding any file a breeze. And with up to 5TB of space per user, we never have to worry about running out of storage!

Client Relationship Management

Nurturing positive, lasting relationships with clients is a huge priority for us. Using HubSpot’s CRM platform, we’re able to deliver top-notch service by better managing communications and contacts. HubSpot CRM helps us track every interaction with a client and log notes & details. We can set reminders for following up too. This gives us the insight we need to continually strengthen those relationships over time.

The platform also makes it easy to segment contacts, customize workflows, and set up automated email sequences – extremely helpful for sales and marketing! We’re confident HubSpot makes us better equipped to give clients the exceptional service they deserve.

Streamline Expense Tracking

We all know how much of a hassle manual expense reports can be. The clever app Expensify aims to simplify this necessary evil for businesses. Employees can easily scan receipts or snap photos to submit expenses on-the-go.

As a manager, you get convenient oversight of all expense reports with the option to approve or reject. For us, Expensify saves tons of time processing expenses and reimbursements for staff and clients! It’s cut out so many hassles and headaches.

Optimized Team Collaboration

Effective collaboration is essential in our line of work. Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) brings together a suite of products that help us collaborate smoothly. Google Docs makes it easy for multiple people to co-author documents in real time. Google Drive provides secure cloud storage for all files, while still letting multiple users access, share, and edit. And Google Meet allows for instant video conferences and screen sharing.

Having these awesome tools that integrate seamlessly has been a game-changer for our team’s productivity and collaboration efforts!

Secure Password Management

In our line of work, security is non-negotiable. That’s why our team relies on LastPass to ensure all our passwords and login credentials are safeguarded. With LastPass, we can securely generate, store, and even auto-fill strong passwords. Things like two-factor authentication and encrypted password sharing also give us peace of mind that client data stays protected.

Given the sensitive financial information we handle, having robust password security is absolutely essential. LastPass takes care of that for us seamlessly.

Design Visual Appeals

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. We’ve found that creatively designed visuals are extremely helpful for conveying insights from financial reports, illustrating concepts in presentations, and even sprucing up marketing materials.

That’s where Canva comes in handy! We lean on Canva’s extensive templates and easy-to-use design tools to create sleek graphics and visuals that engage clients. The platform makes us all feel like design pros – no artistic skills required!

There you have it – our tried and true tech toolbox for operating an efficient, productive small business! As fellow small business enthusiasts, we hope sharing our list gives you some fresh ideas and tools to explore. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to chat more about optimizing your own workflow. We’re always thrilled to help fellow entrepreneurs succeed. What are your must-have small business tools?

Let us know on social – we’re curious to hear other recommendations!

💰Running a small biz without the right tools is like baking a cake without an oven – upgrade your toolkit with our top 10 app picks for taking your operations from zero to hero! 📲 See the list and get ready to be a workflow wizard.

Your Trusted Advisor… At TSAT, we understand that exceptional small businesses must maintain high standards in service, accuracy, reliability, and efficiency. To achieve these goals, it is essential to establish a thorough set of accounting and finance policies and procedures and consistently train all personnel involved. By letting TSAT focus on you accounting, quality assurance, finances, and provide you with a small business accounting department, you can expand your core competency operations and enhance your profit margins. Ensuring every aspect of small business accounting operates at peak performance requires some effort, and we are here to assist you on this journey!

Here at TSAT, we are not simply bookkeepers. We work with you to provide a 360-degree strategic financial advice, including small business operations and investment guidance. We will help you stay ahead of the curve when it small business or personal investments!

If you are a gig worker or small business owner looking to grow your business, TSAT’s AMAZING Trusted team considers much more than just your taxes!


TSAT’s is your Trusted Advisor and will let you focus on your business’s core competencies! Whether you have a small business or you need help personally, TSAT can give you HOPE! Call us today! 

Phone: (417) 208-2858