Trusted Advising: Mid-Year Metrics!


The Ultimate Checklist for Mid-Year Financial Health Your ability to juggle multiple mission-critical projects while executing brilliant, game-changing campaigns separates the elite performers from those just treading water. With an overwhelming barrage of demands, deadlines, and disruptions, it's all too easy for even the most talented professional to feel overwhelmed, burnt out, and stuck in [...]

Trusted Advising: Mid-Year Metrics!2024-07-10T17:48:00+00:00

Cash Flow Catastrophes? Conquer Them with our CFO Approach!


Cash Flow Catastrophes? Conquer Them with our CFO Approach! The world of healthcare is full of passionate individuals striving to make a difference. But let's face it, running a successful practice involves more than just a white coat and a stethoscope. The financial side of things can feel like a complex maze, and navigating it [...]

Cash Flow Catastrophes? Conquer Them with our CFO Approach!2024-03-06T21:09:23+00:00

Trusted Advising: A CFO’s Guide to Thriving!


Unlocking Prosperity: A CFO's Guide to Thriving in Healthcare Entrepreneurship! Greetings, healthcare visionaries! You've embarked on a noble quest, merging the art of healing with the science of business. As your trusted advisors, we're here to sprinkle a bit of our accounting magic on your entrepreneurial journey. Imagine us as the Gandalf to your Bilbo [...]

Trusted Advising: A CFO’s Guide to Thriving!2024-02-28T17:01:17+00:00

Advising Healthcare Professionals to be better Healthcare Entrepreneurs!


From Healthcare Pros to Healthcare Pros: Nurturing Your Inner Entrepreneur Welcome back, cherished readers! And to our newest friends, consider this a hearty handshake from afar. In this edition, we're not just talking about making the leap from healthcare professionals to healthcare entrepreneurs; we're diving deep into it. Imagine it as your superhero transition – [...]

Advising Healthcare Professionals to be better Healthcare Entrepreneurs!2024-02-21T18:41:27+00:00

Trusted Advising: How We’ve Got Your Back in Healthcare’s Financial Labyrinth!


Trusted Advising: How We’ve Got Your Back in Healthcare’s Financial Labyrinth The world of healthcare finances can feel like an endless maze even to veterans of the industry. As regulations evolve, insurance claim requirements morph, and unexpected costs sneak up despite best efforts – having a fluent guide makes traversing the labyrinth of numbers far [...]

Trusted Advising: How We’ve Got Your Back in Healthcare’s Financial Labyrinth!2024-02-14T21:31:46+00:00

Beyond the Books: Trusted Advising!


Beyond the Books: Trusted Advising In Your Best Interest! At TSAT Accounting Solutions, most see us as “number people”. The quiet trusted advisors tirelessly tallying income statements behind stacks of medical billing codes and Excel sheets late into the night. But after serving private healthcare organizations over 20 years, what truly drives our passionate team [...]

Beyond the Books: Trusted Advising!2024-02-07T21:18:43+00:00

Future-Proofing Your Private Health Practice Through Strategic Planning


Future-Proofing Your Private Health Practice Through Strategic Planning Greetings to all you dedicated healthcare entrepreneurs out there working hard to transform community care! Between emerging technologies, hiring challenges for top medical talent, public health events, and the constant billing rest for the forward-thinking clinics, mobile care companies and telehealth platforms aiming to upgrade patient [...]

Future-Proofing Your Private Health Practice Through Strategic Planning2024-01-10T14:55:03+00:00

First Quarter Focus: Consider These 5 Factors!


First Quarter Focus: Make-or-break factors in 2024! Alright ambitious entrepreneurs and scrappy small business crews, are those callouses on your hands healing up a bit from all the full-throttle hustling in 2023? We certainly hope you let yourself enjoy a quick breather before diving headfirst into another growth-filled year! But now that the clock has [...]

First Quarter Focus: Consider These 5 Factors!2024-01-03T14:10:15+00:00

Trusted Advising: Building Your Best Year Yet in 2024!


Building Your Best Year Yet in 2024! The stockings are hung by the chimney with care, the eggnog is freshly spiked, and the most wonderful time of the year is here! But your trusted advisors are already looking ahead to next year's success. We want to help you end this year strong so you can [...]

Trusted Advising: Building Your Best Year Yet in 2024!2023-12-20T14:10:44+00:00

Small Business, Huge Wins: Unlocking Growth as Your Trusted Advisor!


More Than Number Crunchers - Building Trusted Small Biz Ties! At TSAT, we like to say we're more than just number crunchers. Sure, navigating complex tax codes, decoding financial reports, seamlessly managing payrolls, and balancing the books is our jam. We nerd out on that stuff! But what we absolutely love most about working with [...]

Small Business, Huge Wins: Unlocking Growth as Your Trusted Advisor!2023-12-07T21:35:05+00:00
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